Jia-Ling Hsu
I want to make a garden, or be one.
︱August 20 - September 3, 2016
Room A14, Soulangh Cultural Park, Tainan, Taiwan
I spread out the paper. Fold, cut, trim, roll up and stick together…piece by piece, layer after layer. The work keeps being under process just like my endless missing for grandma’s house.
Inspired by my mother’s childhood memory in the Town of Hsin-hua, the installation presents the juxtaposition of oral history and a visualized fantasy of “hometown” and “childhood.” It consists of handmade flowers, cement debris, found photo and written words, forming into a product of nostalgia, a metamorphosis of the ruined, and a silent voice of mine, speaking about the patriarchal tradition in my mother’s generation.
Size: dimension variable

Photo Credit: (1) Chien-Che Tang
(2,4,5) Chang-Chih Huang
(7) Rich Matheson

I want to make a garden, or be one.